Saturday, June 20, 2009

Philosophies, Criticism Tools, Education Policy

By Dint:

Education Initiative Re Persuasion Techniques Each student to be instructed in propaganda technique, analysis and spotting.

Deconstruction: Finding Evil in Sassafras The process of carving away the extraneous, to test a truth. Deconstruction, Jacques Derrida, to simpler applications.

Concisionism: Finding Evildoers  Beware the concision; the mutilating abbreviation of thought, the trawler category sweeping everything into its maw - note, this is not "circumcision" although the words have similarities

Find the Evildoer and All Will Be Well  Trace the preoccupation with and definitions of evildoing through the centuries , Oh, the marplots! They're everywhere! They're everywhere!

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