Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lifestyle; Societal Roles. Government impact on lifestyle.

By Dint:

Qualities of Wisdom: Global Wisdom Party
Superseding the independents in party identification, enter now the Global Wisdom Party


Public Interest Battlegrounds: Combining Common Good with Property Rights.
Rights to preserve undeveloped spaces.

THE FEY - Societal roles include the fey. They are always with us.
The Fey. Willing Suspension of Disbelief.
Seers, prophets, sellers of the unbelievable, and people believe.

Dr. Christianus Christian, caring for 19th C. Swiss cretins

 Roma: Lifestyle defined by the surrounding State, Nation of others.
The role of the State. See life of the Roma under Communism, and, more positively, in Spain. Effect of halting the caravans.

Romani and Horses: An Ancient Tradition. Halting the caravans, taking away the horses. A lifestyle destroyed.


Same gender, cross-gender

Gender- non-specific lifestyles: marplots, alacrans. Who are the real evildoers
Finding fault. Self-definition, group identification as superior by finding fault with others. Who are the Evildoers. Homosexual, transgender, any value judgments arise in the eye of the beholder. Not the beholded.

Living with other truths subsumed
Livin' A Lie When Appearance is not the reality. Find Lawrence of Arabia.  Others with secrets. How they cope.

What is "ordained" or "revealed"; and what is culture. Especially, ordained vs. revealed.
God created independent contractors, not groups, not relationships.  Lifestyle as cultural, not necessarily "revealed".  Example - Eden:  no marriage, no vows, no worship, just folks deceiving each other as usual, taking advantage. Groups:  a descent down from original idea.

When "inheritance" and property rights define status:  the "illegitimate"

Cut out inheritance as entitlement. A budget saver.  Why should people get something for nothing?

Shadow Children: Unsung Backgrounds
Find a long list of those originating, as some say, on the wrong side of the sheets. Did it ultimately matter? No sheet?

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