By Dint:
Bronislawa Wajs, Romani poet, singer, inspiration
See the novel, "Zoli" for a fictionalized but roughly close (we understand) rendition of the life of Bronislawa Wajs. Gypsy (Roma) traditions.
Rabbi Shmuel ben David of "Isaac's Torah"
A friend of one also caught in changing times, including the Holocaust. Concept: the Idea, vs. the later System implementing it, and becoming more focused on its own (the System's) survival than the Idea.
Susan Boyle: A Voice for the Lyrics.
The genius of this performer-come-lately is her choice of lyrics for her songs. How she sings what she sings. The "first game" - mere competition. Easy. More important: she epitomizes the course of the "second game" in which a woman competes. The drive to derail her. Find a chink and wedge it open: judges, public, family. Broaden our horizons despite them, Susan. Go ahead.
Wintley Phipps, Program on the Black American Slave
Baritone, story teller, historian.
Germaine Tillion: Nazi Resistor, France WWII
Political resource, intellectual.
Gene Amdahl, IBM's Propaganda Target.
See IBM's successful campaign to use Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) to keep consumers from trying the better product of Gene Amdahl. Follow this use of FUD as a propaganda model, used against a competitor's excellent computer product. A victim of propaganda, Amdahl recently died, 2009 . FUD= this has been the rule for marketing and politics to defeat someone without providing a better alternative.
Lack of distinction:
John McCain. Opinion Pap. Overflow is not News.
Opinion takes over the "news". Even venerable politicians like McCain follow opinion polls, not own moorings.
Back to distinction:
Team Critic David Frum gets Fired Pointing Out Losing Coach Made Bad Calls
Why fire the messenger telling truth, that coach blew it?
And, lack of distinction again:
Ahn Joseph Cao is Cowed. Sole republican voter for healthcare reform bows to pressure.
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