Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pruderies, Energy and Piety. Cultural filters. Reinstate the Original.

By Dint:

Lange Wapper at Antwerp.
By Steen Castle, Antwerp, Belgium.  A natural appendage removed so the good fathers would not be embarrassed; and its use as a bestower of wishes could end. Did it? 

Red Riding Hood; and Cake, Wine, Vivisection
Read the original. Little Red and Grandma. Be all that you can be. Red Riding Hood can get in the blood and guts as good as the next guy.

Rapunzel. Pssst. She Had Twins.
Honest. Why is this filtered out?  She fared fine, even in the wilderness with them. Tale as old as time and also with a beauty.

Sassafras, Less Carcinogenic than Beer Beer.
And other anomalies of a ban, placed on a food component, because FDA labeled it an "additive".  We consume beer, but prevent anybody from using sassafras in the same way.  Ban on the buzz.

Religion's Ambiguities. Method of Execution. Why Not Accept the Ambiguity?
Making something nicer by pretending there is no other explanation than the one that is nicer, is a nice way of saying we can't handle reality.  Death is death, of course, but why sound so certain about how it was done. Do the requirements of art supersede fact?  Crucifixion, impalement, both done commonly at the time, word means either. Art won out. Should it?  Vatican, open your libraries.  You could tell us.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cultural : Creation Accounts. Imposing ideology.

By Dint:

Bellwether Haiku. Parthenos, Parthenogenesis, Genesis North
Persuasion of the Swedes: role of myth, meet The Gylfaginning. Norse beginnings Big Innings: and the Deception of Gylfi, who went to the gods to find out how Sigge Fridulfson could be so successful. Was he really a god, Odin?  Whose view survives.  Other beginnings in myth: concept of parthenogenesis.

Dominion: The Worst Concept in the World. The Wolf Mentality
Translations, transliteration, cultural spin. Scripture interpretations can be helpful, but not in the hands of the Wolf Pack. The idea of "dominion" is a far reach by Jerome, a distortion of meaning of the Hebrew by use of "dominamini" where the original concept seems to be a swaying,a taming, a leading towards, gently; and even that sway was only offered by the deity in the context of the first given creation tale, where both M+F were created simultaneously and equally.  It has no place in the second, where something sequential is to have happened. has been distorted. Is this an example of another concept in spirituality: that humans are like or take on attributes of a guide animal, here the Wolf -- also showing itself in group behaviors in politics, as well as in institutional religion. Offering a sway. Or down your throat, buster. The Wolf, in politics and other institutions, knows what it will do. And it does.

The Big Birds: The Phoenix, the Turul
Russian, Chinese, Japanese, North American, Egyptian, forms of the Phoenix in all. Magyar and the Turul.  The idea of a big bird recurs.

Genesis Before Genesis: Transliteration of Genesis 1-4. Surprise
Read a transliteration of the familiar story. Now read your favorite Bible.  How have the interpretations, grammar impositions, dogma and ideologies changed what is there. How does imposing a narrative, an ideology, change original, word-by-word mechanical meaning. Is the slant of the narrative justified? Does it distort? This excerpt from Genesis from Scripture4All, a favorite transliteration site. Moral. Any ideology is a creation in itself.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Themes, Cultural Tales: Repetition and addiction, living with death-dealers, mistranslations

By Dint:

Ma Liang and his Magic Brush; and The Red Shoes
Forced repetition of the desired action: it becomes a punishment for the self-centered person who has the desire. But the West adds darkness to it. A simple, logical and straightforward moral consequence to the East, becomes sin to the West.

Who Will Bell the Cat - Piers Plowman.
Ask a question beyond Aesop's tale, where no mouse is man enough to bell the cat. In 1377, William Langtrey's council mouse takes the story beyond that silly later ending. The original council mouse suggests that this inability to carry out the plan to bell the cat -- too dangerous-- may be just as well. What would have happened if the cat indeed had been belled.... as the mice first wanted. Go read. Watch what you wish for.

Grimm: The Peasant in Heaven.
Texts and mistranslations.  The theme of the perils of riches. Eye of needle, rich man, cultures repeat. But find here that the "needle" is a mistranslation It should read "rope". In this case, the point of the story remains. Where else, however, does a mistranslation skew the result?

The Bawdy vs. Religion. Lange Wapper, Flanders, Antwerp
Fear of sexuality. Fear of functions. Lop it off. There. That's better, isn't it?

Fitcher's Bird. Grimm Tale. The Clever Girls. Water down the strong girls.  Quick. Water them down. They are far too capable.....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Horsemen, Invaders. bup-Bup, bup-Bup, buppity-Bup, Bup-BUP

By Dint:

Sinj, Croatia: The Six Hundred Horsemen 
Sinj and the Six Hundred. They rode out and defeated the Ottomans at that battle. 

Hussars, Winged Cavalry, old Poland, Hungary, other Eastern Europe 
A/k/a Husaria, Husarz. Peak 17th-18th Centuries. Hussars saved Vienna from the Ottomans. The frames on the shoulders and backs were lined with feathers that made a hmmmmwhrrr sound as they rode. The sound preceded the sight.

Khazars, Hazars, Huns (Attila), Magyars, Ottoman -  Tracking migrations, conquests, cultures
Follow these horsemen over the plains.

Genghis Khan, on Planning, Timing, and Follow-Up  
Mongols. See also Liddell Hart: the most effective approach may be the indirect.

Women and History; including Warfare

By Dint:

Protest Within Convention: Victorian Marriage. Mary H. Seymour, story in Peterson's Ladies National Magazine 1865.

Germaine Tillion: Nazi Resistor, France WWII No gender gap in courage.
Domination by Diminution:  Women Shunted Out of the Loop. Civil War Diminishing roles in order to minimize abilities.  Shunt women aside, impose powerlessness.
Moscow's Black Widows, The Tradition of Warrior Women in the Caucasus  Warrior traditions among women of the Caucasus.  Chechnya.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Individuals - 20th Century to Present. Modern people of distinction. A Little Hall of Unexpected Fame

By Dint:

Bronislawa Wajs, Romani poet, singer, inspiration
See the novel, "Zoli" for a fictionalized but roughly close (we understand) rendition of the life of Bronislawa Wajs. Gypsy (Roma) traditions.

Rabbi Shmuel ben David of "Isaac's Torah"
A friend of one also caught in changing times, including the Holocaust. Concept: the Idea, vs. the later System implementing it, and becoming more focused on its own (the System's) survival than the Idea.

Susan Boyle: A Voice for the Lyrics
The genius of this performer-come-lately is her choice of lyrics for her songs.  How she sings what she sings. The "first game" - mere competition. Easy.  More important: she epitomizes the course of the "second game" in which a woman competes.  The drive to derail her. Find a chink and wedge it open: judges, public, family.  Broaden our horizons despite them, Susan. Go ahead.

Wintley Phipps, Program on the Black American Slave
Baritone, story teller, historian.

Germaine Tillion: Nazi Resistor, France WWII
Political resource, intellectual.

Gene Amdahl, IBM's Propaganda Target.
See IBM's successful campaign to use Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) to keep consumers from trying the better product of Gene Amdahl.  Follow this use of FUD as a propaganda model, used against a competitor's excellent computer product. A victim of propaganda, Amdahl recently died, 2009 . FUD= this has been the rule for marketing and politics to defeat someone without providing a better alternative.

 Lack of distinction:
John McCain. Opinion Pap.  Overflow is not News.  
Opinion takes over the "news".  Even venerable politicians like McCain follow opinion polls, not own moorings.

Back to distinction:
Team Critic David Frum gets Fired Pointing Out Losing Coach Made Bad Calls 
Why fire the messenger telling truth, that coach blew it?

And, lack of distinction again:
Ahn Joseph Cao is Cowed.  Sole republican voter for healthcare reform bows to pressure.

Linguistics as clue to cultural origins

By Dint:

Vlachs (found in Roman old Romania area) speaking Romani.
Language roots as clue to cultural origins.  Here, the Vlach people, Romania and elsewhere, nomadic herders.  It is not clear if the Vlachs speak Romani, a language of the Roma or gypsies, suggesting a connection with them;  or a vernacular form of old Latin. Rome settled here in its glory days, and joined with the indigenous Dacians.  Could old Latin have seeped into Vlach culture, consider this and Other Roma customs.

Varieties: Healthcare, Remedies, FDA, Vision care, early Hero for Cretins

By Dint:

No Glasses Week. An Experiment in Viewpoints 
Vet the vision dependence industry. How much do you really need your glasses, or are they now so conditioned you can't do without them?  How about your kids? And appreciate, as you experiment, what it is like to be vision-impaired.

Sassafras: Seven Bedbugs in One Blow
Uses of sassafras wood: its rodent and insect repellent qualities. Sassafras repels bedbugs. Are you listening, NY? Investors?

Romani Medicine, Remedies, Healthcare.
How many of these cross borders into the Roma populations of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria.

Dr. Christianus Christian, caring for 19th C. Swiss cretins
Early hero to the different, the Swiss Cretins.

Sassafras and the American Slave Tradition: remedies, uses.
Wound healer, gumbo file thickener for stews, poultices, tonics.

Sassafras, Less Carcinogenic than Beer Beer.
And other anomalies of a ban, placed on a food component, because FDA labeled it an "additive".

Sassafras a Purifier, Say the Tales
Explore Cholesterol, Liver Remedy?

Sassafras and remedies: Dosage and Information, Not Ban ban

Sassafras pharmacology list
How it is and has been used, with benefit.

Vision Care

William Horatio Bates, Bane of Vision Industry.
1920's and later, opthalmologist, advocating and developing eye exercises instead of glasses. Died 1931. His work has been refined, new testing bunked some, kept some, but book worth reading. Relax the muscles, your eyes themselves may well be just fine.


FDA Reorganization Three Ways: PharmaJocks Panic at Accountability
Foodies Dept: inspections and Safety, Druggies Dept: New drugs, and now Woodsies: testing for natural-type ingredients - keep them honest. A Cabinet Secretary of Ingestibles and Digestibles, Overseeing and Providing for Testing of Natural Ingredients to Compete with the Druggies.

Health Reform
Aortic Pregnancy? No? Optimist waits for tests
Gratitude for coverage, appreciation for those without.

Cultures and Conflict: Minorities that Rule, and Those That Do Not. Absolutism.

By Dint:

Abraham and Anti-Absolutism for Dispute Resolution.
Absolutism drives divisions

Roma:  The Court (Kris), Expulsion, Shunning
Minority systems for continuity. Systems of law and cultural continuity in minority groups. Enforcement of norms, internal controls is extensive in the Roma culture. Now ask for next class: what role, if any, should Roma law have in a regular civil court? Persuasive? Irrelevant? Dispositive? If both agree? Is that why so few come to court?

"Heretics" - a maligned minority. Nothing to do with good faith and merit. Killed by agenda.  Who says who is a heretic other than the ones in power?  If so, why adopt so much of what they said? That is, after you killed them off. See for a for-instance.

Cathars, Albigensians: Vet the So-Called Heretics.
The Cathars were killed off (so we are told) in the 14th Century.  Were their beliefs closer, in affinity, to the Christian Founder than the Roman Catholic church that killed them off?

JP Morgan Chase Says Follow the Hand. Code.
Culture of Profit v. Culture of Decent Life.  Codes in Cultural Warfare. Rule by code.  Minority -- see corporations as the minority as opposed to citizens -- but their cash and drive for the bottom line rules the roost by code and deception. Is that so? Does JPMorgan Chase mean any of what it thinks it says about putting anything above its own profit? Code of the Hand.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Holocaust: The Camps, Roma and Jewish Experience, Other "Defectives"

By Dint:

The Roma Experience

Gypsies, Roma: Romani and the Holocaust

Germany Road Ways, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
There was a special Gypsy Camp there, camp near Celle, near Hanover.  See memorial specifying Roma, Sinti, Zigeun.

The Jewish, but also Gypsy, Homosexual, "Defectives" experience

Czech Republic Road Ways, Theresienstadt (Terezin) Ghetto

Germany Road Ways, Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
A particular memorial notes not only Roma as victims, but also homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, others

Germany Road Ways, Buchenwald Concentration Camp

Poland Road Ways, Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Austria Road Ways, Mauthausen Concentration Camp

Germany Road Ways, Alfred Dube, Survivor
A tribute to a survivor of several camps, and his subsequent accomplishments.

Places of Petr Ginz
The Diary of Petr Ginz 1941-1942, edited by his sister, Chava Pressburger, see :// 

Bogomilia: Rabbi Shmuel ben David of "Isaac's Torah"
Stories of the Holocaust. A friend of the main character in the book, "Isaac's Torah: The Memoirs of Jacob Blumenfeld," transmitter-editor-compiler, Angel Wagenstein; who is also caught in decades changing times, including the Holocaust. Discussions with the Rabbi - includes the Idea, vs. the later System implementing it, and becoming more focused on its own (the System's) survival than the Idea.

Petr Ginz site reference: The Seventh Well,
by Fred Wander. Stories of the Holocaust.  Accounts of life in various concentration camps, including Buchenwald, see ://

Surnames, Geneologies. Finding surnames, finding surprises.

By Dint:

Romney surname, English Gypsies

Romani literature, oral traditions A family with oral traditions to 15th Century

Pantera (Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera), and Religious Tradition 
A persistent but speculative secular explanation for events many see as divine.  Keep an open mind, now. Often the simplest is so, rather than the convoluted compled; and need not affect other matters.

Hate Crimes; Persecutions; Genocide, Homosexuality;

By Dint:

Theology's Gender-Blending. Would Hate Crimes Diminish With New Information
Old representations of creation show blurred lines in gender attributes. Part of our culture's attack on homosexuality and lesbianism appears due to our own teaching -- erroneous teaching -- of what is and is not "theology".

Cathars, Albigensians: Vet the So-Called Heretics
Killing the "other" in order to entrench the "us"

Roma, History of Persecutions.
Includes concept of Rankism for social control.

Vlachs, Wallachian Gypsies?

"Facing History and Ourselves" - an Online Curriculum to Counter Hate.
Curriculum to focus on the hate crimes of the 20th-21st centuries, including wars, so our children can learn and avoid, we hope. How to apply to urban schools so focused on employment issues.

Bogomils, Deemed "Heretic" and Stamped Out by the Roman Branch of Christianity  But were they? Traces remain. Here, Bosnia, graveyard.

For Foodies: Travel's middle benefit

By Dint:

Haluski: Cabbage and Noodles, Roma

Sassafras elixir recipes;  tea from sassafras 
Sassafras tea! Now for the root beer....

Arts, Tales, Music, Authors. References. Minority Contributions; Individuals

By Dint:

1.  Ginkgo

The ginkgo and art nouveau forms
Ginkgo shapes as artistically favored

Goethe and the Ginkgo
Everybody loves the ginkgo, except those who get a female and the fruits-seeds are negatively aromatic. 

2. Minorities in theater, film, music
Gypsies: Contemporary performance heritage. Elvis, Charlie Chaplin, Yul Brynner, Michael Caine [ask Mitt - Romney?]

Tales, Song. Johnny Faa. Roma. Find Faa also in song (not do re me)
Ballad of the greatest gypsy of all, say some ladies.

3.  Minorities in Books
Gypsies, Roma, Contemporary Authors Also books about the groups, "Bury Me Standing" by Isabel Fonseca; "Zoli" by Colum McCann

4.  Jewish faith, authors, in books
James Joyce, Ulysses, On Bloomsday
Citizen Questioning Bloodshed:  Isaac Bashevis Singer

5.  Minorities in Music
Placeholders, Work in Progress, "Buika" and Fusion Music 
Roma composers

Gypsy Harps, group and street musicians also from the Zoli book, section "Slovakia 2003" there. The Roma  harps were huge - the Roma would bury them in the woods so they would not be confiscated.

6.  Roma in Film, Poetry
Roma, Romani in film Find talent in this persecuted minority.  Resilience.
Poetry;  Whole or Bits
Poetry, are these from Papusza or Zoli? Arts among the Roma.  Poem forms.

7.  Are soldiers a minority?  Yes. Read the WWI legacy in poetry.
 War Poets.  Poetry from the Trenches.  World War I.

8.  Elections redefine minorities.  
Haiku's Fifth Season: Election Season.  Time to update the seasons for "traditional" haiku theme.

9. Painting - an individual who strived
Artist, Hermann Dahl.  Odessa, DE. Multi-media.1960's-1980's

10.  When art is in code.
Ideological Battleground:  Sistine Chapel
What are Michelangelo's messages about literalism and scripture; why the anomalies, the insults up there.  In a monolithic religious system, how do other messages get out?

Black Madonnas; or Sara la Kali (Gdansk)

By Dint:

Black Madonnas: Possible Roma Origin for Some - or Sara La Kali
Patron saint of the Roma, Sara la Kali; or a black madonna. See legend, and painting in Gdansk, Poland, with symbolism

Slavery: Legacy of Slavery. Ubiquitous, Apparently; but resistance to slave recovery differs.

By Dint:

Enslavement in Romania, 400 years, Gypsy roots
Populations brought in, sold, remain.  Resistance to slave recovery.  Continuing stigma because of attributes of skin and heritage, not individual merit.

Wintley Phipps, Baritone and Storyteller, on the Black American Slave. Also a narrative and performance, "Amazing Grace" (context of slavery)

Uncle Remus Tales, Translations
Find surprising assertiveness, resistance to being diminished by a formal status, unyielding backbone in presenting the characters of the Briar Patch community. Compare Disney's pap. 

In process: checking our travel sites, see Europe Road Ways, Road Trips, for findings of slavery from Scotland and other enslavement of whites; how the legacy of 300 years of preventing an entire group from accumulating wealth from their own labor, from learning how to manage it, is reflected in our culture today.

When Profit Turns Malignant; Corporate Responsibility

By Dint:

Private Sector

Private Sector as Fiduciary to Taxpayers and Consumers.
Why should a nation or globe tolerate a system of bottom line profits to owners of stock, recipients of salaries; if the consumer is deceived, short-shrifted. Apply fiduciary law to dealings between corporations and people.

First Amendment

Pierce the Corporate Veil for Abuses of Free Speech; Impose Fiduciary Duty on Corporate Speakers

Pollution clean-up. Income deferral pending restitution.
Pierce the corporate veil to ensure all uses of corporate funds meet test of business judgment, and not personal goals of directors? For another day.

Debt for corporate pollution clean-up not dischargeable in bankruptcy
Pollution as non-dischargeable. Bankruptry should not discharge pollution clean-up costs.

Busted Pelican Law.  Income Deferral  During Industry Damage Events.
Income deferral until all pollution damages paid. 

Unified media ownership undermines democracy.

Unified Media, Newspaper, TV Ownership Taints Neutrality of News

Anti War-Profiteering Act, Blocked Once.
No war-profiteering. Time to resusicate, reshape its still-viable parts. Creative use of Disgorgement, Claw-Backs.

And its foil: When profit is not the focus, rewards come anyway.

The Elves and the Shoemaker, Grimm
The elves, newly rewarded with clothes for their work in finishing the shoes of the poor shoemaker, took off out the door and were not seen again. The shoemaker and his wife, who had clothed them in thanks, prospered anyway. Give, anyway.

Warfare - Plus ca change. Persuasion, Resistance, Special Forces. Architecture. Greed. Codes, Warriors.

By Dint:

Persuasion for the cause
War as a Big Game. Condition the Children. Or is it Necessary?
Personality types, hard-wiring, conditioning, how much is necessary to counter the pathological haters, and how much can be diminished as to conflict, by training.

War Promotion.  Fraud and Deception

Czech paratroopers, other resistance, WWII Prague   Assassination of Nazi Reinhard Heydrich.
First French Resistor

Special Forces
Hussars, Winged Cavalry, old Poland, other Eastern Europe  A/k/a Husaria, Husarz.  The frames on the shoulders and backs were lined with feathers that made a hmmmmwhrrr sound as they rode. The sound preceded the sight.

Castles: Warfare Learning Tool. Strategy and Murder Holes  Any castle will do. Defense and offense. Try Blarney. Liddell Hart's WWI work (uses of indirection; upset the enemy's equilibrium); Bunratty's little staircases in reverse.

Role of Greed in Outcome
Otkell, Son of Skarf, Icelandic Saga.  From Burnt Njall's Saga, events 900 AD in Nordic-Viking Iceland, written perhaps 1100 AD.  A man whose greed was simply circumvented by the group's inspired leader, a tactic of indirection leading to a better result than confrontation

Warrior Types
Moscow's Black Widows:  Female Warrior Tradition, Caucasus.

Uses of Code to Rally Sympaticos
JPMorganChase and Code of the Hand.  Don't wage war without codes.  Where's the fun?

Politics: Accountability, Abuse of Conscience, Poll Abuse, Uses, Abuses, Courses of Change-Seeking, Change-Opposing

By Dint:

1. Political Accountability

Candidate Accountability Requirement: Show Up Unassisted for regularly scheduled News Conferences The Palin Plank.

Primacy of Law over Revelation. Religious revelation to some shall not ground laws for the public. Propose pragmatic secularism for interaction areas among humans and groups; religion and dogma fine for the individual's own life, if he or she chooses.

2. Abuse of Conscience

Conscience vs. Constituency. Lieberman's Law. No legislator shall apply values of his or her own conscience in opposition to the desires of constituents absent full opportunity for discourse and vetting of such in his or her home state or district.

3. Politics and Poll abuse. Polling abuse.

Voter Alienation Syndrome: Discounting the Polls Polls only get the landlined, the willing to talk - small portion of total possible voters.

4. Propaganda techniques

Traditional Scapegoat Hunts - Economic Downturns Find the nearest minority, aim and fire.
New Political Parties

Qualities of Wisdom: Global Wisdom Party Global Wisdom Party. The Qualities of their candidate. There is indeed a collection of attributes that many cultures name as comprising a wise leader.

5. Special interests. Abuse by Cash. Money

The Piggle-Wiggle Congress Cure: Let Consequences Happen; Negotiated Agreements Not Always Best
Let the deal speak for itself, the person remain accountable for language, use of persuasion techniques needed where there is merit, because merit alone speaks softly.

Healthcare Legislative Recusal Time. Financial Interest? De-Weight the Vote
Reduce weight of the legislator's vote depending on what money he/she got from the interested parties. Dangers of secrecy.

Explore Election Finance: Humans Only. Qualified to Vote? You Can Contribute
No more corporate contributions, as "legal persons". For accountability, identification, individuals only. They may name the corporation's interest, but funds are out of individuals' pockets. Raise the issue again. Distinguish Citizens United. Keep at it.

6. Disruptions. Force as abuse of process
Political Disruptive Behavior Disorder Tantrums? Apply the DSM-IV conduct disorder diagnoses, usually applicable to children and teens, to adults.

7. Transparency
C Street. When Congressmen Combine to Espouse Secret Religious Allegiances Superseding the Constitution. Keeping real allegiances secret. Do our beloved politicians do that in order to get and stay elected? Do they? What recourse for voters? Ouster? Transparency alert.

8. Abuse by Privilege
Privilege maintainers vs. Risers up
Sotomajority - Escape from the SO Yessir Corral Privilege Maintainers vs. Secondary Others. Long-corralled Majority for Sotomayor leaps the fence. Reject the new PM pledge.

Spigots in Politics: Waterloos. When the Waterloo-er Predictor becomes the Waterloo-ed. Health reform. Obama as new lion of Waterloo. Heart vs. cold.
Can it last?

Arts - No politics here, just the higher calling of arts

By Dint:

Inner Dialogues Re-Joyce Externalized
Omphalos nought not won.

Individual Roma poets, composers, musicians

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lifestyle; Societal Roles. Government impact on lifestyle.

By Dint:

Qualities of Wisdom: Global Wisdom Party
Superseding the independents in party identification, enter now the Global Wisdom Party


Public Interest Battlegrounds: Combining Common Good with Property Rights.
Rights to preserve undeveloped spaces.

THE FEY - Societal roles include the fey. They are always with us.
The Fey. Willing Suspension of Disbelief.
Seers, prophets, sellers of the unbelievable, and people believe.

Dr. Christianus Christian, caring for 19th C. Swiss cretins

 Roma: Lifestyle defined by the surrounding State, Nation of others.
The role of the State. See life of the Roma under Communism, and, more positively, in Spain. Effect of halting the caravans.

Romani and Horses: An Ancient Tradition. Halting the caravans, taking away the horses. A lifestyle destroyed.


Same gender, cross-gender

Gender- non-specific lifestyles: marplots, alacrans. Who are the real evildoers
Finding fault. Self-definition, group identification as superior by finding fault with others. Who are the Evildoers. Homosexual, transgender, any value judgments arise in the eye of the beholder. Not the beholded.

Living with other truths subsumed
Livin' A Lie When Appearance is not the reality. Find Lawrence of Arabia.  Others with secrets. How they cope.

What is "ordained" or "revealed"; and what is culture. Especially, ordained vs. revealed.
God created independent contractors, not groups, not relationships.  Lifestyle as cultural, not necessarily "revealed".  Example - Eden:  no marriage, no vows, no worship, just folks deceiving each other as usual, taking advantage. Groups:  a descent down from original idea.

When "inheritance" and property rights define status:  the "illegitimate"

Cut out inheritance as entitlement. A budget saver.  Why should people get something for nothing?

Shadow Children: Unsung Backgrounds
Find a long list of those originating, as some say, on the wrong side of the sheets. Did it ultimately matter? No sheet?

Philosophies, Criticism Tools, Education Policy

By Dint:

Education Initiative Re Persuasion Techniques Each student to be instructed in propaganda technique, analysis and spotting.

Deconstruction: Finding Evil in Sassafras The process of carving away the extraneous, to test a truth. Deconstruction, Jacques Derrida, to simpler applications.

Concisionism: Finding Evildoers  Beware the concision; the mutilating abbreviation of thought, the trawler category sweeping everything into its maw - note, this is not "circumcision" although the words have similarities

Find the Evildoer and All Will Be Well  Trace the preoccupation with and definitions of evildoing through the centuries , Oh, the marplots! They're everywhere! They're everywhere!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rankism; other human hard-wirings. Scapegoats, Targets, Outcastes, outcasting

By Dint

Rankism vs. quiet dignity of place, life with choices.

KNGDV: Woman as Guide in Front. Can or Does the Religious Establishment Re-Read Texts
Rankism and mis-translation.  Perpetuate a misconception of the original role of woman:  created as guide, in front of. Wolf Pack rules theology, see Dominion: Worst Concept in the World


Roma, Forced Settlement Laws halted the caravans, forced settlement, removed vocations, ghettoized.

Gypsies, Roma in Hungary: Still Targeted

Roma in Slovakia

Roma, History of Persecutions  Includes hate crimes, the why. The "justifications"

Poverty. Defenses of Any Underclass.  Here, Roma.  Extenuating circumstances, poverty, not recognized as a defense to crime. System imposing restrictions, fostering prejudice, will not see it. See parallel, American Blacks.

Contemporary Social, Economic Issues, Gypsies: "Bury Me Standing" "Bury me standing, I've spent my whole life on my knees." Book, Isabel Fonseca. Eastern Europe gypsy culture, experience; other references to culture elsewhere

Cycles of Abuse: Migrations of Roma to Ireland Gypsies, Travelers, Romani. Violence in Belfast against Romanian gypsies, or roma. How will traditional Irish Traveler groups respond to new migrations.

Gypsies, Roma: Literary references


Games in Analysis

By Dint

Rock, scissors, paper  On terrorism and other issues. Boil down the news.

Can we monitor children and teach them, as grownups are supposed to, instead of banning their games?

Disclosure, Labeling, Transparency

By Dint:

Labeling, Food Industry, FDA KowTow

Funding Under The Table

By Dint:

Federalist Society Supports Free Legal Work for What Causes?.  Pro bono means legal work without charge for the good of the public. What "public" is the Federalist Society supporting in its alleged pro bono program?  Pro Bono Federalissimo Societassis?

Immigration, Migrations - United States Issues, Groups

By Dint:

Naming. Migration history in names - Romney, Rom'nie, Gypsy

Border Crossing Records Retained in Federal Registries. When does too much record-keeping threaten the individual. How much "record keeping" of past events is really needed for security. Open issue. United States.

Immigration: The Place of the Tishbite Among Us. As with Elijah, the original Tishbite, the foreigner has something of import to tell us. Add equity: other arguments that immigrants can use in favor of remaining, there has been detrimental reliance, where the State has delayed too long, etc.

Federalist Society Proposes Immigrant Testing on "Federalist Papers" Leave no propaganda opportunity unturned. Quick now. Who remembers what that is? Branding here?

Gypsies, Roma, Blacks, "Moors", Whites, Native Americans - Melungeons
Melungeons as a diverse mix, Appalachia, Southern coastal areas

Immigrants Without Documents: Gypsifying. The New "Gypsy" Target Group America creates new group to treat as gypsies

Migrations, more distant past:
Magyars, Khazars (Central Asia Jewish cultures) Hazars - physical characteristic may include epicanthal fold in Norse blonde children, disappears about age 2, traces of past interminglings?