Monday, January 24, 2011

Psychological Operations PsyOps Undermine Democracy


Studying Wars: Wars for the Mind. Psy Ops Coming At You   The world of strategic reality, deep morality, techniques for sabotaging governments (CIA v. Sandinistas, Nicaragua field manual), separate responsibility for the apple-pie training from the guerrilla-militia-lone wolf.  Psychological Operations to hold the system afloat, sell it to the public, watch the whirlwind. Who, me?
Joy of Equivocating: Nate Rudy Asclater Joins the NRA
Psy Ops gets a recruit.  Everyman succumbs to commercial psy ops;  a banker runs the NRA.  Somebody track that bank. Get your training in apple pie group guns here. Then, with blessing, use it in militia, guerrilla work, lone wolfishness, there. Psyops feed malfunctioners

Psy Ops for Everyman. Sabotage a Government. Nate Rudy Gets a Handbook. CIA Manual
Psychological Operations tactics. These are now in the mainstream, published on the Internet,  spawning interest groups and other sites developing and honing the concepts.  How to subvert.  Start here. Right after you.  Nate Rudy Asclater gets familiar with it, has questions.
Fodder Site: Democracy's Pitfall Dug by Psy Ops in Politics. Part II 
The psy ops whose effectiveness research taxpayers paid for, is now used against them. Deep persuasion at the revolving doors of the Think Tanks, military, commercial sales (the strategic art of advertising) and political power group interests. Shape me, pleads the unknowing voter whose access to full information is crippled.  Shape me.Psy ops manipulate voters

Fodder Site: Democracy's Pitfall Dug by Psy Ops in Media. Part I
Media ownership and objective information.  Information aired reflects the ownership interests. Give free air time to ads of the candidate of the ownership's choice. Go ahead. Save the candidate millions by being a booster behind the masque. Psychological operations undermine democracy.

Bellwether Haiku: The President's Speech Rehearsal, Hamlet's Soliloquy Redux
Psy ops in history. Young Hamlet weighs, when or if to strike back at what he believes to be a dastardly plot before his very eyes, and seeks just a little more proof before Acting.  Scenario:  Hamlet's father, the beloved old good King Hamlet, had been surrounded by plotters with unspoken agendas.  When the opportunity came, his enemy, his own brother, struck. Issue: How can anyone in power govern without one eye permanently on the plotters who care about the seat of power, not the common good as a priority.  Vardels!  Vardels!  The one bearing the title bears the vardels. Meet the persuasion techniques of the usurping King Claudius. Persuasion techniques: fast, effective.  Hamlet's analysis, thought, merit: takes time, thorough review, searching.  Follow a President who, like Hamlet, must weigh when and how to move to counter persuasion obstructing merit considerations. The Soliloquy and the Speech Coach. Fardels.Psy Ops.  Historical.

Natural Pragmatism. NRA history, timeline, projects, inculcating.
The Natural Resource Auxiliary distinguishes its NRA organization with the Guns NRA, and sees fertile fields being further fertilized. Get with the Program. One easy step from training, concentrating and regimenting child's play at bang-bang, from spontaneity and bop the bunny once in a while to see if you can, to militia-guerrilla-lone wolf land.

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