Sunday, August 1, 2010

Culture's Abuses. Rights of Voters, Babies, Genders,

 Rights of Voters and Juries

Free speech v Justice in political speech.
Politics is not just a matter of sales, persuasion by tactics. Politics to be just (if we seek just rulers) requires truth in political speech.  That means accountability and transparency in political speech. Apply labels to warn of speech that is speculative, and has as its agenda not information, but to polarize, propagandize and demonize. In politics, as in courtrooms, where justice is in issue, apply basic rules of evidence.  Protect voters just as we protect juries in their work. No more Robert's Rules of Order as applied in Citizen's United.

Rights of babies.

Babies and Exercise: Car Seat Abuse Ex-Car.  Stimulus Package Needed.
Get those babies out of the car seats after you are parked; and hold them when you go somewhere, for heaven's sakes. We are raising turnip-shaped flat-heads out there. And carrying weights is good for weight loss.

Women and Desire: Erotic Rocket Rule: The Elementals of Wanting. Restore rights to her own life.
Then watch her go at it.  Restore women to full and equal rights in choice, workplace, education.  That is likely to improve her Interests at home, if anyone is complaining. First come freedoms; then, desire. Is that so?

Female circumcision; genital mutilation.  Counterweight as a preventive:  Do it to the boys as well.
Stopping female mutilation requires a roughly (literally) equivalent step as to the boys.  If they had to submit to a similar procedure (circumcision does not qualify unless the male is over 12), to reduce the incidence thereof as to the girls. Stopping a practice may require expanding it elsewhere. How but to apply it to the other, to encourage male empathy..

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