Thursday, December 9, 2010

Communications Abuses. Renewed Interest in the Excluded.

Gristmill. By Dint:

Role of an Elected Representative: To the Constituent Until the Beltway Lobby Pays More.
I represent you. What to do when your representative is unfaithful;  the one you brought to Washington goes off with somebody else.

Middle Class Remedy: Substitute Legislator Act.
 By this legislation, the Significant Other replaces any legislator who votes for tax breaks over the Two Fifty, absent real set-offs for the middlers. A Sadie Hawkins idea. Break the gridlock with substitute legislators.

Religious claims to exclusive use of "Christianity". Coexistence in a Time of Partisans
Empire-building in Christianity supersedes religious messages of founders. What is lost by rejecting other views. Nestorian Christians. Coptic. Orthodox. 

Twisting word meanings. Capitalism Starts with Welfare; Inheritance as Welfare
Better times began - think Plymouth - with a free dole of land and seed. Welfare can spur activity, or enable dependency.  Freebies like inheritances serve the same purpose. 

Fact-free Slogans.
Gay and lesbian rights.  Is orientation relevant to factors that make a steadfast soldier steadfast.

Immigration: Deportation March; or Rhapsody
Immigrants are bad for America! Out with the undocumented! How long does that little sound bite last, when we see hard working, contributing populations that we let in for years without fuss. Our contribution, our invitation. Two approaches: one punitive and self-righteous after keeping the barn door open for ages, the other practical and recognizing the value of new folks

Concepts for co-existence. Pragmatic Secularism
Keep religious precepts religious, unless they can be framed in a secular manner for valid secular purposes

Entitlements. One size fits all. Inheritance as an Entitlement
The freebies to the well-off such as inheritances, breed dependence and sloth.

 Dominion. A Mistranslation leads to Creation Abuse.
The kind of responsibility given to the human as to fellow living creatures is not the dominion the NRA espouses.

Congressional representation.  Obligation to constituent, or self.
Transparency in perks, special interest contributions, recuse from voting on the issue dear to the heart of the ducat-giver

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Animal Cultural Loans: Animal Totems. Wolf Politics, Wolf Religion

Gristmill. By Dint:

KNGDV. Dominion. Worst Concept in the World. The Wolf Totem. 
"Dominion" equated with force and entitlement. No. Go back to old transliterations and find words for mild guide, reciprocal coexistence.  From that concept, one of responsibility and care, see animal behavior as model for the human. Animal totems. What totem would drive the force-dominion idea. Try the Wolf. But is that necessarily so. What is behind the predatory nature of the human wolf?

Sassafras Tree. Natural Pragmatism. Washington's Majority Wolf Pack. Defenses. 
Animal totems, models for human behavior, a globally recurrent cultural theme.  Here, use the Wolf's own behavior patterns and rigid social structure to explore how those non-wolves can possibly counter it.  Ask: Must a non-Wolf become Wolfish in order to survive; what constructive can be done by non-Wolves to woo the Betas, the lower rung wolves, away; how to better the lot of the picked-on Omegas in the pack. Can nonwolves hope to 1) engage in effective defense, and 2) educate for, and offer, alternative systems to the cyclical predatory Wolf.

Joy of Equivocating. The Lame Duck, Wolf Pack, Bestiary Ball 
Meet the guests. Whose Totem is now in charge? Wolf Totem Pack illustrated. A quasi-monster mash in our capitol.

Bellwether Haiku, DC Totems, R-Strategist Predator and K-Strategist; T-Strategist
Animal survival.  Human survival. Each has strategies.  The R-strategist (not a party designation) means smaller animals in unstable environments, whose way to survival must be the rate of population growth to counter the deaths. The K-strategist means large animals in stable environments whose behavior is not focused on population growth, but turns to perpetuating its power structure by raising only a few high-born babes to compete.  There is no altruism from the K's to the R's; but there is altruism, to a degree, within the R's -- to their same group.

Vetting Roots. President's New Banquet Filled by Others; Wolf Pack Declined 
When the President invited Republicans to dinner and informal wheel-greasing among all, the Republicans had better things to do, they said. Invitation issued, declined. We hoped the President would hold a dinner anyway, for others -- perhaps the struggling middle class.  At least he did not offer a dinner again. A Brekkie at the Blair was all they got.

Studying Wars: Western Ethnic Violence Timeline.
The Wolf Totem mentality in Western religious expansion.


I Sing a Song of Sitting Bull.

Sing this to an old hymn melody, the essential points of the life of Sitting Bull, who defeated Custer at Little Big Horn, and in defense of lands granted to the Indians through the Treaty of Laramie.  Buffalo totem:  follow the footnote for the characteristics of the Buffalo Totem. Compare to the White's long-standing apparent emulation of the Wolf.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Correct history's rewrites. Recognize Forms of Welfare and Their Function

Capitalism starts with welfare: William Bradford, Plymouth; and getting started.
Thanksgiving. Give thanks for welfare.  Plymouth's government started welfare by passing out parcels of land. The freebie got people out working when they could keep for themselves, mostly.  But it took the original boon to get it going.  Other welfare forms:  Inheritance, or the right to change your name for your own economic benefit (choose something less ethnic). Government lets you do that.  Something for nothing. Government welfare..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pragmatic Secularism - A Golden Mean. Law over Revelation

Isms. Pragmatic Secularism 
A golden mean.

Primacy of law over revelation: process of enactment
One group's revelation cannot bind another.

Western Ethnic Violence Timeline
Aggressive religionism has produced disastrous results.  Aggressive secularism is equally combative. Apply pragmatic secularism to public life, interactions between people and groups; and religion remains the purview of the individual within his or her own life.

Friday, August 6, 2010

NRA. Fear Theory; Gun Culture. Everyman Nate Rudy Asclater. Diversions for Population Control; Transparency; NRA

 By Dint:

NRA.  Not Really Altruistic.

Second Amendment meets Placemaking: The Gun Speaks.
Fear theory, context of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, with "safety" the dominant focus once basic needs are met. Uses of guns.  The place of the National Rifle Association in American culture;

Power of the Statutory Pen: Can wipe out inheritances, even require NRA disclosures.
The legislature has the power to give the tools for people to make informed decisions; but everybody's afraid. Where the will, alas.

Nate Rudy, Everyman. Nathaniel Rudolph Asclater Speaks
Meet Nate Rudy, American. Family man. Still, a spinning compass until he found his gun.  Nate Rudy Asclater. Shoot now, ask later, now in his mind. When does fantasy seep out.

A Day in the Life of Nate Rudy Asclater, And Gun
Nathaniel Rudolph Asclater's Wife Speaks. Asks. What is going on here? And update after Nate Rudy joins the NRA.

I Did It! Nate Rudy Joins the NRA and Keeps a Journal.
Nate Rudy has found his voice.  He writes, and writes, and writes. What is in his head, how does he see his place in life, how he can get somewhere he wants. Yes, the NRA.

But is the NRA all that Nate Rudy thinks it is? Is Nate duped? If so, How? Not at all? Does it matter, so long as Nate is happy?

Resume Activities (Curriculum Vitae): Transparency in NRA Corporate Connections Act.
Issue:  NRA official Ronald Schmeits places obfuscated references on his CV as to financial connections.  This draft legislation would ban obscure references, that produce no easy results in a search for a resume entry, or curriculum vitae. Require identification of corporate connections, particularly in banking. Transparency will enable vetting of bona fides of policy and cultural positions.  Who are the associates here? See where ambiguity in such leads us and the NRA. An avoidable dalliance - just be clear up front and the issue goes away.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Culture's Abuses. Rights of Voters, Babies, Genders,

 Rights of Voters and Juries

Free speech v Justice in political speech.
Politics is not just a matter of sales, persuasion by tactics. Politics to be just (if we seek just rulers) requires truth in political speech.  That means accountability and transparency in political speech. Apply labels to warn of speech that is speculative, and has as its agenda not information, but to polarize, propagandize and demonize. In politics, as in courtrooms, where justice is in issue, apply basic rules of evidence.  Protect voters just as we protect juries in their work. No more Robert's Rules of Order as applied in Citizen's United.

Rights of babies.

Babies and Exercise: Car Seat Abuse Ex-Car.  Stimulus Package Needed.
Get those babies out of the car seats after you are parked; and hold them when you go somewhere, for heaven's sakes. We are raising turnip-shaped flat-heads out there. And carrying weights is good for weight loss.

Women and Desire: Erotic Rocket Rule: The Elementals of Wanting. Restore rights to her own life.
Then watch her go at it.  Restore women to full and equal rights in choice, workplace, education.  That is likely to improve her Interests at home, if anyone is complaining. First come freedoms; then, desire. Is that so?

Female circumcision; genital mutilation.  Counterweight as a preventive:  Do it to the boys as well.
Stopping female mutilation requires a roughly (literally) equivalent step as to the boys.  If they had to submit to a similar procedure (circumcision does not qualify unless the male is over 12), to reduce the incidence thereof as to the girls. Stopping a practice may require expanding it elsewhere. How but to apply it to the other, to encourage male empathy..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Power of Naming. Labels. For accountability, aspiration.

Gristmill. By Dint:

For transparency in communications, require labels. Name the type of beast about to come at you.  The power of naming. A Label or a Name as a tool of control. Power of labels. Power of naming.

Certification of Qualified Newscasters.
Label the news products. Truth in labeling. Label the people disseminating the words. Counter stealth propaganda. Label degrees of objective news from opinion and propaganda; Certify airwaves people on the same scale. What percent of objective fact (protein), or energy maker (carbs, polarize-demonize), or hipspreaders (fat, propaganda).  Require documentation of sources and facts relied upon if the product wants a truth label.. .

Naming as Power

Power of Names and Naming
Pay attention to names and labels. Choices in Naming can create the reality that later develops. Take no naming lightly. Its power:  Name the cow and it gives more milk. Is that so?  Naming a person as an individual: does that promote humanity; or keep the person unnamed, the "other" - with no name ascribed, is he easier to call a  "terrorist."

Plain Meaning of "Hutaree" - the Militia Group 
Hutaree is a militia group, far-right wing.  Parse out alternate meanings from syllables.  Any light shed? Go see.

Labeling, naming as a weapon.

R-Word as Fighting Words
Labeling is a means of control. Control is to label by a condition or other attribute. That R_________. Labels dehumanize. Can we stop the use of "reee-tard" to define the intellectually disabled. The differently abled will cheer.

Origins of the Irish: Scota, Judah, Dan?

Origins of the Irish, from the Mediterranean; and then Spain; before Ireland
What reasonable evidence is there that early Irish originated in the Middle East, and migrated through Spain to Ireland. More than you might think. Legends living. Discard not them all, is that so? or silly?

Scotland:  Tradition of Scota, Caledonia.
Scota, and the Scotties, and Scotland. Woman warrior. Ireland was first in settlement by Scota or Scotia; then came Scotland, so they say.

Ireland. Tralee, Queen Scotia, and Slieve Mish.  The first kings of Tara stemmed from this Queen. Is that so?

Spain. Zaragoza, and Zahar of the Red Hand .
Sons of Judah.  Does this legend tie in: the Old Testament Zahar, whose arm came out first at birth so that the red cord of inheritance was tied to it; but then he withdrew it, and his twin was fully born first, getting it all. Leaving Zahar and his band to find their way elsewhere, which they did, out of Canaan; and cross-country by a choice of routes, or by ship, to Iberia.  Interesting. You have to love legends.

Now:  check out the Tribe of Dan, and Egyptian connections, at ://  O, Danny Boy?