By Dint:
Child support for zygotes, morulas and blastocysts, embryos and fetuses, where defined as "children"
If a state defines a cell cluster as a human being, a child, then the woman carrying it should get child support. Amend the statutes.
Strict Constructionism and Abortion, Orientation: The Conservative Dilemma
Texts accepted into the Canon in the earliest days do not mention this abortion issue, from early days of the Church. All are silent. With good reason. The wisdom of the oldies. Strict construction of the canon. When early religious texts are silent on specific directives, watch institutions extrapolate later as their own agendas direct. Why accept what some institution extrapolate later on its own. Look at the effect. This is the recourse of cultures shaping and controlling the behavior of a sub-group."Inspiration?" Tell that to the dissenters.
Male Performance Enhancers Treated as Abortion Matters: No Abortion for her? No Viagra for him
Fair and balanced. If a state declares that a woman must carry a cluster of cells, even if raped or the victim of incest, then that state shall prohibit the sale of Viagra and its equivalents. And no going over state lines to get it. A woman having choice in how to proceed: why is the presumption that she will not be as moral as a man or disinterested woman in making it? Morality of the decider: between her and whatever she worships, if anything, and that also is her choice.
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