Sunday, May 24, 2009

Journalism - National Broadband, expand access to Cable, Pulp. Ranking for Content

By Dint:

Ranking for Journalism forms. Promote national broadband, expand access to cable, pulp dissemination of objective information. Is there such a thing as "objective" information? What to include, exclude. Do we die of partisanship, as they say Romans died of lead poisoning in their wine chalices?  Aargh.

Federal Journalism Content Classification Commission: Disclose Degrees of Fact; Reward Fact-Based  Incentivize a form of journalism that relies on fact, not bombast. Rank content to separate opinion and fantasy from objective information; offer rewards to incentivize reliance on fact, not bombast or voyeurs

Need for national broadband and all access to objective information:

Voter Online Access Debated 
Why not support FCC relaxing common ownership of media rules. Let people have online access for independent researching. How else to self-educate? Not so.  Why not? Who are they kidding about whose interests are served?

National Broadband:  Neshama and Open Access.
A pollination issue. How to transmit information from and to the financially challenged, or in remote areas.  Oppose charges for information and access.  Compensate those who create works other than by fees to the individual clicker. Wire the country.  Broad information is in the national interest. Wealth and location: no corner on wisdom.

PAPER MEDIA TROUBLES.  Stealth persuasion.

Outing the Stealth Persuaders: Subscribe Elsewhere
Paper journalism financial problems as largely self-inflicted; increased ideology promotion (by the profit-focused), diminished news promotion in the public interest, separating neutral, more comprehensive news from opinion.

Newspapers as Educators: Common Law Justice, Terminology.


Opinion Implants in News Slots :
Tainted "journalism". Fact-less media news, focuses on churning opinions without laying out what facts are relied upon. Weasel words about "some people think...."

Churning, repeating what others are reported to say:  Why not penalize opinions that do not lay out their fact? What is the grounding?

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