Friday, July 26, 2013

Topics by Dint updates

Topics by Dint: Updates in process. This is a subject matter archive, an unpacking and repacking to expand on the topics.  This is a companion to our roadmap of the sites themselves, because they span travel and current events and history, politics and religion -- a broad range. See Sites by Dint,  see Dintworks: Sites by Dint.  There is always new material.  At issue is whether to continue this archive, or begin another.

Here, summaries and cross-references for comments and research on those posts, politics, religion, humanities -- a true Gristmill
Topics by Dint.  Unpacking the topics.

* Tribute. The URL here,, honors the WWII Prague child, Petr Ginz, who kept a succinct diary of events that his sister later published, Diary of Petr Ginz. see review at  Chava Pressburger, his sister:  see; and
The waste of war. Perceptive, succinct, he offers a glimpse into ordinary family life in the Nazi occupation. He was also a budding artist, with one of his drawings lost with the American Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Film: The Last Flight of Petr Ginz.
In his diary, in particular, Petr Ginz writes of the assassination of Nazi Reinhard Heidrich and its aftermath. See the ambush scene at the film, Operation Daybreak. We learned of him after our return from the Czech Republic.  He was held at Theresienstadt, died at Auschwitz. So, here--

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Consumer Protection. News, Talk, Sources. Truth in Labeling

Gristmill. By Dint.

Proposed rankings for labeling media products

Incitement Push News Product
Incitement Push  IP

Opinion Commentary News Product
Opinion Product  OP

News Product Fact Ratings
Summary of other categories

"Inform the People, Pursue the Truth"
Fund a comprehensive fiduciary news source, as the people news source for immediate fact checks, wire the country, computer in every home

Fact check for incendiary words. 
News tilt, Incitement Push    NT,  IP